27.02.2014 Workshop on Historical Document Analysis in Switzerland

The Diva Group at University of Fribourg invited Swiss Researchers to a Joint Workshop on Historical Document Analysis in Switzerland. We used this opportunity in order to encourage exchanging information about current work and perspectives on Historical Document Recognition and Processing in Switzerland.

As the SNF-funded project HisDoc 2.0 just recently started, we would start speaking about the scientific goals in that project and give each participant the opportunity to give a 30 minutes presentation; followed by joint discussion, and potential collaborations in the future.

Building PER-II, BD des Perolles 90
Room 002 JD (JOSEPH DEISS), building 22 at http://www.unifr.ch/map/de/perolles.php
Reachable via busses 1,3, and 7, bus stop Pérolles

10:15-10:25 Welcome Address by Rolf Ingold
10:25-10:55 Historical Document Image Analysis at the DIVA Group by Marcus Liwicki, Angelika Garz
Coffee Break
11:15-11:45 Automatic Transcription Pipelines for Ancient Documents by Andrea Mazzei
11:45-12:15 Analysis and Documentation of Mayan Hieroglyphics by April Morton, Gulcan Can, Rui Hu
12:15-12:25 Bernstein - The Memory of Paper: Image Based Paper Expertise and History http://www.bernstein.oeaw.ac.at/ http://www.memoryofpaper.eu by Vlad Atanasiu
12:25-13:45 Joint Lunch
13:45-14:15 Valais Digital by Andrei or Francois
14:15-14:45 Text+Berg project by Noah Bubenhofer
14:45-15:15 Knowledge engineering techniques for the creation of a semantic digital edition of Saussure's manuscripts by Gilles Falquet
15:15-15:30 Binarization-Free Text Line Extraction for Historical Manuscripts by Nikolaos Arvanitopoulos
15:30-16:15 Joint discussion