UPDATE: We are currently building a new Website for DIVAServices. You can follow this process here.
This website will contain a full description of the framework as well as installation guides, and tutorials for useage as well.
DivaServices is a new project launched in the DIVA group at the University of Fribourg.
Its goal is to make Document Image Analysis (DIA) methods accessible over the web.
To achieve this goal a RESTFul Web Service will be implemented exposing existing DIA methods.
Sneak Peek
A sneek peak of the possibilities of DIVAServices is shown in this short video.
You can access the testing environment shown in the video above at: http://divaservices.unifr.ch/spotlight.
This environment is built for the purpose of testing and not for production.
DIVAServices Github Repository: DIVAServices
DIVAServices-Spotlight Github Repository: DIVAServices-Spotlight
Marcel Würsch, PhD Student
Prof. Dr. habil. Marcus Liwicki
Prof. Dr. Rolf Ingold
Marcel Würsch, email: marcel.wuersch@unifr.ch